Our Mothers’ Union Book of Pilgrimage starts its journey with Cardiff Deanery.
The Book of Pilgrimage was blessed by Bishop June a Llandaff Cathedral in a service to launch the Llandaff Diocesan Year of Pilgrimage. The Book was purchased by our Mothers’ Union Chaplain Revd. Sandra Birdsall during her visit to Santiago de Compostela at the Clergy School in May. There, the clergy were challenged with the question ‘’What are you going to take home from Santiago?”. She went to the Cathedral and came upon a gorgeous book from the gift shop. It has the pattern of the door of the Cathedral embossed on the cover, with many pages inside and thought that this would make a wonderful artefact for the Mothers’ Union pilgrimage.
During the coming year, the MU Book will visit each branch in every Deanery. Each branch can insert whatever inspires them – a poem, a prayer, a reflection, photograph, artwork, thoughts on pilgrimage etc. There is a timetable for the MU Pilgrimage Book to be passed to the different Deaneries with an event to mark the handover. Cardiff Deanery will pass the book to the Penarth and Barry Deanery at a Coffee morning on Monday 10 February – details to follow.
Our MU Chaplain, Rev Sandra Birdsall presented the Book to Elaine Campbell-Hopkins and Shawn Lloyd of Cardiff Deanery, following the blessing. The Pilgrimage has begun – follow the journey here!