Second Sunday of Easter

Second Sunday of Easter

Reading John 20. 19-31


Today, we reflect on the disciples locked together in a house on the evening of that first Easter Day. Locked away for fear of the Jews. Locked away because they have lost their leader. Locked away because they have heard the testimony of the women who tell them Jesus’ body has disappeared and they fear they will be blamed. Locked away for their own safety.

Then suddenly Jesus appears among them and they experience a different type of fear. How can this be? Is he a ghost? A mirage? Then Jesus says – ‘Peace be with you’ and shows them the marks in his hands and side. Their Lord and master is with them in their fear, in their confinement. He is real and he bears the marks of the suffering he has experienced. He bears the marks of the fear he has endured and conquered. As a result, he brings the peace he has established. Peace from fear, peace from anger, peace from recriminations. Peace to share with all.

The disciples had the advantage of seeing the marks on Jesus’ hands and side, with their own eyes. Jesus, however, tells Thomas that we are blessed because we are able to believe without such physical evidence. Sometimes it is hard to hold onto that faith when we like the disciples are frightened. At times like these we can hold onto those words of Jesus – ‘Peace be with you’. Peace be with all those we love and those we find it difficult to love. Peace be within ourselves and within those around us.

My Peace I Leave you

My Peace I Give you

Trouble not your hearts.

My Peace I Leave you

My Peace I Give you

Be not afraid.

©Ateliers et Presse de Taizé

I wish you all peace at this difficult and yet joyous time because Jesus is with us, risen from the grave.

Lots of Love Revd Sandra