Mothers’ Union Devotion Sunday 28th November 2021 the 1st Sunday of Advent
The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. Jeremiah 33. 14-15
When the first Sunday of Advent falls in November it seems to catch us out unawares even though the secular year has been pushing Christmas since early October. If we have advent calendars or advent candles, they only count down the 24 days of December. I am sure for people, who don’t attend church, beginning Advent in November must seem very strange. Our tradition of marking the four Sundays before Christmas, no matter which month they fall in, is important because it gives us the time to read, listen and contemplate the coming of the Light into our darkness.
Over the four Sundays of Advent, we hear the prophetic words of those who predict the miracle that is to come. As people who live in the time post the first Christmas, post the first Easter, it is good for us to take the time to imagine what it was like before the coming of Jesus. What life was like in the darkness before the Light. What life was like for Jeremiah when he relayed the words of God to the people facing the darkness of invasion and exile.
We can also take this time of Advent to remember what life was like for us before we found the Light of Christ in our lives. We all know how easy it is to take for granted something that we always have around us. Our families, our homes, our freedom. I suspect that we often treat Jesus in the same way. So, as we begin Advent this Sunday, we are reminded just how much we really appreciate what the coming of the Light into the darkness meant for us personally.
The Light that brings real hope into all the dark places of the world.
The Light that can shine into even the most cynical of hearts.
The Light that warms our souls with the unwavering love of God.
The Light that we can reflect onto all those we serve in our mission as Mothers’ Union members.
With all my love and prayers for an enlightening season of Advent
Revd Sandra