Mothers’ Union Devotion Wednesday 27th October 2021

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8. 26-27


I am sure we have all had the experience of watching two people, whom we love dearly, arguing in such an unpleasant way that it makes our hearts sigh with pain. We try desperately not to take sides as we know that to fully agree with one person we love deeply, will hurt the other person whom we love equally. Our dilemma leads us into inaction which annoys each side equally.

When we magnify this on a global scale, even the most peace loving of us cannot imagine a way out of the countless stalemates entrenched through mistrust between nations, political divides and cultural misunderstandings.


As Paul writes it is often so hard to know what we should be praying for. We know we should be praying for peace but how do we pray that this peace will come about. For one side, our side, to triumph over the other. For the aggressor to be proved wrong. For the status quo to be reinstated. Rather, for God’s will to be done but we are so uncertain of what that might be. How to go about asking to know God’s will, how to pray for it. As Paul continues, we can find reassurance that we do not need to know the details. The Spirit that is within us, knows the pain we feel, the sadness such disagreements lead us into, the despair we feel when we cannot see a way out. Indeed, the Spirit does not need words to express all that we feel. Our sighs, our deepest emotions are enough.


That same Spirit is able to take our deepest sighs and bring them before God. Our deepest longings for peace and reconciliation, whether on a local or global scale, are laid bare. Exposed before our heavenly Father. Then we can be certain that our most heartfelt prayers have been heard. Heard and lovingly accepted. Heard and acted upon as God’s will whatever that may be, will be brought to bear on the situation. Providing the solution that we cannot seem to find. Ending the stalemate. Ushering in the peace.



With all my love and Prayers


Revd Sandra