Action and Outreach

Our aim in Action and Outreach is to support marriage and family life worldwide, especially those families whose lives have been met with adversity, through practical projects.

How do we do this?

  • We reach out to individuals
  • We give support to those in need – parochially and more widely – through structured projects

Caravan Open Week 2024 – so many visitors!

It is a very important project, in that it helps people and especially families who are experiencing stress or adversity in their daily family life.  Last year alone,  we gave 26 families a holiday, which otherwise they would not have had.  The benefits of such holidays are immense.  Apart from happy memories, which have long lasting emotional, psychological and social benefits, these holidays also bring an opportunity for families to experience greater optimism and ambition for the future.  A simple break in the caravan such as ours can help build families’ relationships with each other, and improve children’s learning and behaviour at home and in school.

Last year we purchased a new caravan – a 6 berth Willerby Grasmere.  The caravan was dedicated on May 7th by The Right Reverend Richard Fenwick, former Bishop of St Helena in the South Atlantic, assisted by Canon Phillip Masson, Vicar of Porthcawl.

None of this would be possible without the amazing generosity of our members and friends who constantly fundraise and give freely of their time, enabling us to provide these worthwhile holidays completely free of charge to our needy families.

Thanks must also go to Park Dean who generously provide our families with entertainment passes which enable them to use all the site facilities.

So THANK YOU to EVERYONE who contributes towards this wonderful project.

Please watch this space for details of Open week at the caravan where you can come and visit our wonderful new caravan and enjoy a cuppa with members of our Unit.

If you know a family who would benefit from a holiday at our caravan in Porthcawl, then please see below:

Caravan Sponsor Form Booking Conditions Application Form

If you would like to support the caravan by making a financial donation, click the Caravan Donation Information button below.

Caravan Donation Information

What major projects are ongoing?

  • Our biggest project in Llandaff is the Away From It All Caravan holidays. We now have a new static caravan at Trecco Bay Porthcawl. We believe in the importance of families and in quality time spent together to build meaningful relationships that strengthen families. AFIA holidays help people who are experiencing stress in their family life.
  • We support families of prisoners at Parc Prison. We have members who regularly visit, supporting people in prison, and families whose lives are impacted by imprisonment. Members also give emotional support to service veterans who are inmates often suffering from PTS.

We support young people in the community by giving and sharing food and cooking skills. The YMCA/Gwalia Housing project in the Cynon Valley Deanery with the monthly fresh food box for the young people to learn life skills, continues successfully. A similar project has been established in the Rhondda Deanery, working again with Gwalia Housing who are supporting people with mental health problems. A third project with Gwalia has been established in Treforest helping older people become independently assisting them with planning a menu and buying ingredients for a meal on a monthly basis. Valleys Kids is another charity which Rhondda Deanery support by buying toys at Christmas. They support families who are on the edge and struggling to survive.

  • We support families at Baptism services. We get involved when families come to church for the baptism of their children. Some of our members become involved with the families before the service and keep in touch with them afterwards.
  • We support couples embarking on marriage by providing prayerful support, information and resources to couples and families on Christian marriage at Wedding Fairs.
  • We support the Open Book project where members go into our schools to act out a short Bible story.
  • Many other Parochial and Deanery projects such as Natter and Nosh, Teddy and Twiddle blanket knitting, etc

What are our future projects?

  • We hope to support young people leaving home for University for the first time by giving recipe books –“Eating good food on a budget”

We support families worldwide. We have a Relief fund where we provide emergency financial help for communities affected by natural disaster or conflict. The Mothers Union have workers in many countries of the world working with members to support families. For example, we have Parenting Programmes in 26 different countries, Literacy, numeracy and Financial Educational Programmes in developing countries all of which we support by fundraising and Prayer.

Overseas Fundraising projects include Make a Mothers’ Day where members fundraise by purchasing ethical gifts instead of chocolates and flowers for Mother’s Day. Many of our members are involved in this.

Another fundraising project some of our members are involved with is the Wheels appeal where members hold cake stalls, coffee mornings etc to raise money to support travel of Mothers’ Union workers around the world.

This year we hope to continue to build relationships with these diocese through two way communication. We are successfully engaged in conversation with Dughira Sunday from Nebbi Diocese Uganda. Watch this space for further information.

For further details on any of the above projects please contact
Lowrie Washington Jones  Action and Outreach Coordinator
Telephone : 02922218982


worldMasvingo in Zimbabwe


worldKibondo in Tanzania


worldNebbi in Uganda


worldBida in Nigeria


worldKanyakumari in India

This year we hope to build relationships with these diocese through two way communication.
We will have an Overseas day to fundraise for the overseas projects – watch this space for details!

For further details on any of the above projects please contact
Lowrie Washington Jones  Action and Outreach Coordinator
Telephone : 02922218982

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